Audrey N.

Audrey is a 200 Hour RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) with the Yoga Alliance, as well as a hiker, gardener, partner, and dog mom, to name a few hats. As a lifelong athlete and health-nut, Audrey has long explored the benefits of stretching and movement. She began a [somewhat] consistent yoga practice via YouTube during her college years at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver, where she studied Interior Design with an emphasis in sustainability and unexpectedly discovered parallels between a holistic approach to design and her own physical, mental, and spiritual health.  Concepts of connection and flow inspired and allowed more presence with her inner and outer worlds, allowing stronger relationships with self, loved ones, and the environment. 

After college, Audrey moved back to her home state of California to pursue design and there she found the Los Angeles lifestyle and Architecture industry to be quite stressful with a lack of work-life balance, so she turned to yoga once more. She began regularly attending in-person classes and again, found profound discoveries of connection and flow through her practice. 

In 2020, Audrey moved back to Colorado and her roots as an at-home yoga practitioner due to unforeseen global events. After moving to Grand Junction and discovering Yoga V in 2022, Audrey decided to dig deeper into the source and traditions of yoga by pursuing a YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) in Rishikesh, India - the yoga capital of the world. At Gyan Yog Breath, located along the shores of the holy River Ganges, Audrey studied Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga, Ayurveda, and Emotional Blockage Treatment, finally receiving her teaching certification in February, 2023. 

As she sets off on her teaching journey, Audrey is committed to retaining the role of student, with the intention of on-going curiosity and exploration. She honors that yoga is a unique experience for each student and is grateful to offer space and support to others along their journey. Her wish is to equip others with the tools of breath, expansion, acceptance, and release in such a way that enhances life. 

Greg Reicks